My Must Have Hair Products

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Hey Ladies! For a while now I’ve been getting questions about my hair, what I do to it, what products I used and all that jazz. It’s really hard to sum up my hair regime in a snapchat message or Instagram comment. In this post I share with you everything from my staple hair products, what they do, and why I love them so much. Hope you enjoy! Xoxo

Hair Type: One of the many questions I get about my hair is what type is it. Many naturals would refer to the chart below. Before I became aware of this chart a couple of years ago, I never really knew exactly what hair type I had. After learning about this chart, I made the discovery that my hair had multiple textures in it. I range from a 3C to a light 4A. My hair is mostly a 3C texture, but slowly becomes a 4A around my crown.

Hair Porosity: The porosity of my hair ranges from normal to high porosity. The porosity of your hair determines how well moisture is able to get into the hair shafts. Refer to the image below to do a quick and easy hair test to figure out your hair porosity level. Simply take a strand of hair from your head (make sure its a non-damaged strand) and put it in a cup of water. If your hair sinks quickly you have high porosity, if it sinks slowly you have normal porosity and if it doesn't sink all then you have low porosity. I tend to have high porosity, which means at that moisture doesn't stay in my hair that well and I constantly need to make sure that my hair stays moisturized.

Hair Products:

1. OGX Coconut Milk Conditioner -  If someone told me that I’d be stranded on an island for two months and was only allowed to bring one hair product it’d be this one. I’ve tried mine conditioners but something about this one leaves my hair feeling amazing. It also makes a great co-wash. My hair feels squeaky clean after every wash all while still maintaining its moisture. Not to mention this conditioner has coconut essentials in it, which makes my hair super duper happy.

2. Dermorganics Shampoo -  Shampoo?! Yes girl. While shampoo isn’t the greatest for our curly locks because it tends to strip our hair of moisture, its safe to say we could use it accordingly. I know many naturals who totally opt shampoo out of their hair regime. As long as you have a good shampoo then you should be fine. And when I say “good shampoo” I mean a SULFATE – FREE shampoo. Make sure your shampoo doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals that can be severely damaging to your locks. I first discovered this shampoo when my mom bought it home from Marshall’s. (You can also buy this shampoo at Ulta for $18! Just click on ‘Dermorganics’ and it will bring you straight there.) This shampoo contains a gentle sulfate-free formula, safe for colored treated hair, enriched with omega-6, Panthenol B5, Rice Keratin and Antioxidants and more! I’m telling you ladies this is the If you’re going to use a shampoo, then it should be this one.

3.  Renpure Coconut Whipped Crème Leave In Conditioner – This is another newly discovered product that has immediately became my absolutely favorite. You can get this product at your local TJ-Maxx or Marshall’s. If you have neither of these stores near you then you can also get it on ebay. This product is only $5.99 at Marshall’s or TJ-Maxx. It contains ZERO sulfates, sodium chlorides, dyes, harsh salts, parabens and gluten. It doesn’t get any better than that ladies.

4.   Camille Rose Naturals Almond Jai Twisting Butter – THIS RIGHT HERE YA’LL?! Oh my goodness my absolute favorite styler of all times! The moisture and definition I get out of this product when I do my twist-outs is unbelievable. Not to mention the shine is crazy. Just like a highlighter, this styler will have your hair glowing.

5.  Coconut Oil (Virgin & unrefined) – Of course I had to save the best for last. As I’m writing this I’m re-evaluating whether Coconut oil would be the only thing I bring with me if I were to be on an island for two months. This stuff is truly amazing. Coconut is one of the safest oils that one could possibly use, from cooking with it to using it in your everyday beauty and hygiene lifestyle. I love using this as a sealer to lock in moisture. I also use this for my homemade hair treatments. I mean why else wouldn’t you use this?
What hair product would you guys choose? (Leave some comments for me to read!)

Thanks for reading dolls!
Xoxo Medgina

1 comment

  1. In definitely with you on the coconut oil and Camille Rose styler! Very informative post xo
